Protect Your Name

Same name nightmare:  

Your business name is your pride + joy!

So what do you do if you find someone else using the same name as yours?!

TL;DR - don’t jump to conclusions and don’t act without talking to an attorney:

1. Confirm Infringement: Ensure it’s a legitimate concern. It could be a coincidence, a genuine mistake, or you could actually be the one in the wrong (!)

2. Gather Evidence: Document proof of your business name’s usage, trademark registration, and any prior branding materials.

3. Consult Legal Expertise: Seek advice from a trademark attorney to understand your rights and potential courses of action.

4. Cease and Desist: Send a formal letter requesting the infringer to stop using your business name (only if instructed to by your attorney!)

5. Trademark Registration: Consider registering your business name as a trademark for better protection in the future. I told ya so!

6. Stay Vigilant: Regularly monitor for unauthorized usage and take prompt action. We offer this as a service, too!

*Disclaimer: This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.


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